Different Trains – Steve Reich
Sonatas & Interludes for prepared piano– John Cage
Kind of Blue – Miles Davis
Goldberg Variations - Bach
The Great Poets – Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Pope, Blake, Burns, Wordsworth, Keats,
Browning, Whitman, Dickinson, Manley Hopkins, Hardy
Djangology – Django Reinhardt
Greek – Mark Anthony Turnage
British Bird Song –
Artic tern, Barnacle goose, Blackcap, Brambling, Common gull, Common tern, Coot, Crane, Dipper,
Dunlin, Egyptian goose, Firecrest, Fulmar, Golden eagle, Goldeneye, Goldfinch, Goshawk, Great
crested grebe, Greenshank, Grey wagtail, Hobby, Hoopoe, Kingfisher, Lesser whitethroat, Little egret
This land is Your Land (Asch Recordings, Vol 1) – Woody Guthrie
Early Works – Steve Reich
From there we're supposed to design a record cover, sleeve, and 16-page booklet discussing the artist / why they're groundbreaking. It seems like a lot of work, but also a lot of fun - integrating two of my favorite things: music & design. I just can't decide who to pick! Its between John Cage, Woody Guthrie, and Bach. Pretty varied, I know. Whenever I'm assigned projects like this where I have a choice, the most difficult part for me is usually deciding what to do (of which I spend like 70% of my time doing).
So I have an 'assessment' on Friday, where the tutors are going to look over the work I've done so far, as well as my portfolio and discuss it with me. It will be more informal because they can officially 'assess' me, because I've only just gotten here, so really it will be more like a conversation. I'll post afterwards and discuss what they've said.
More to come later!
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